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 9 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"PA Milevskii"Advanced Search
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Portrait of three high school students, 1900. Creator: PA Milevskii.
Portrait of an unknown man with a boy sitting on a bicycle, end of 19th century. Creator: PA Milevskii.
Portrait of a Russian army officer, end of 19th century. Creator: PA Milevskii.
An elderly woman, a young man in a civilian suit and two.,, late 19th cent - early 20th cent. Creator: PA Milevskii.
Firefighter A.F. Domishkevich in uniform, late 19th cent - early 20th cent. Creator: PA Milevskii.
A young man in a civilian suit, late 19th cent - early 20th cent. Creator: PA Milevskii.
A girl in a dress and shoes, late 19th cent - early 20th cent. Creator: PA Milevskii.
Photo of a girl, late 19th cent - early 20th cent. Creator: PA Milevskii.
A young man (Innokenty Verkhovinsky) in demi-season clothes., late 19th-early 20th cent. Creator: PA Milevskii.